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gRPC Reflection

gRPC Reflection

The gRPCity server supports the GRPC Server Reflection Protocol. This feature allows some third-party clients, such as Postman, to dynamically load API specifications from a running server without manually passing and loading the proto file.


First, obtain reflection from the loader, then inject the reflection into the server to complete the integration.

const server = await loader.initServer()
const reflection  = await loader.initReflection()

Unary Call

We use the example/reflection/helloworldServer.js in gRPCity as an example of a Unary Call.

node example/reflection/helloworldServer.js
start: localhost:9098

After the service starts, you can use Postman for integration testing, as demonstrated below:

Async Stream

We use the example/reflection/asyncStreamServer.js in gRPCity as an example of an Async Stream.

node example/reflection/asyncStreamServer.js
start: localhost:9097

After the service starts, you can use Postman for integration testing, as demonstrated below:

Client Stream

Server Stream

Bidi Stream