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Server is one of the core features of gRPCity, providing the ability to take over the server-side lifecycle. Through a series of interface functions, it offers full-cycle management APIs for tasks such as certificate import, service binding, middleware support, server startup, and server shutdown.


// Get the server instance
const server = await loader.initServer(serverOptions)

serverOptions is an object that includes the following parameters:

  • channelOptions: Optional, communication configuration rules;
  • credentials: Optional, server-side certificate;

Detailed explanations of channelOptions can be found in the Config Guide.


Detailed explanations of credentials can be found in the Credentials Guide.

Service Binding

// Service RPC binding
server.add(name, implementation, options)

Parameter explanations:

  • name: (Required) Specifies the route in the proto file, specifically to the location of the service;
  • implementation: (Required) An object or class carrying methods defined in the service RPC;
  • options: (Optional) Object:
    • exclude: (Optional) Array of strings, excluding methods in implementation that do not need to be involved in service RPC binding;
    • inherit: (Optional) If implementation obtains func through inheritance, and the parent class should also be involved in binding, pass the parent class to this parameter;

Service Remove

// Service RPC unbinding

Parameter explanation:

  • name: (Required) Specifies the route in the proto file, specifically to the location of the service;


server.use() provides middleware capabilities for pre and post-processing of implementation. For more details, see the Middleware Guide.

// Middleware support for implementation
// Add one by one
// Add with multiple parameters
server.use(f1, f2, f3)
// Add using an array
server.use([f1, f2, f3])

Note: Only async methods are supported for middleware in the current version; callback is not supported yet.

Certificates and Startup

The listen method for server startup supports two parameters: addr and credentials:

  • addr: (Required) The address and port that the service startup needs to listen to, supporting either of the following types:
    • string: in the format of ip+port, such as;
    • object: { host, port };
      • host: string, supports both ip and domain names;
      • port: number, with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 65535;
  • credentials: (Optional) Generated using loader.makeServerCredentials() and passed to the listen call;
// Server certificate
const credentials = server.makeServerCredentials(rootCerts, keyCertPairs, checkClientCertificate)
// Server startup
await server.listen(addr, credentials)
// or
// await server.listen('', credentials)
// await server.listen({ host: '', port: 9099 }, credentials)

Priority of credentials: Highest in listen(), followed by initServer(), and finally the default.

Server Shutdown

shutdown() needs to use async to ensure asynchronous execution completion, while forceShutdown does not.

// Graceful server shutdown
await server.shutdown()
// Forceful server shutdown